Reframing the lives of Gelasius II, Calixtus II and Honorius II in the context of the 1130 Schism

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During the 1130 schism, the Anacletian Cardinal Pandulf wrote three Lives of Gelasius II, Calixtus II and Honorius II. Historiography has usually read these Lives literally, as biographies. However, if they are considered in the light of the context in which they were written, our working hypothesis is that Pandulf created these Lives in order to support Anacletus and delegitimate his enemies. They therefore function as propaganda rather than as biographies. In this article passages from each Life will be presented that are significant in reading these works from the point of view of an Anacletian supporter in the context of the schism.
Idioma originalEnglish
Páginas (de-até)211-230
Número de páginas20
RevistaJournal of Ecclesiastical History
Número de emissão2
Estado da publicaçãoPublicado - 4 abr. 2024

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