Removal of phenolic compounds from sugarcane syrup and impact on Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation for β-farnesene production

Luís Carlos Carvalho, Ana L. S. Oliveira, Erdem Carsanba, Ana Lopes, Tânia Leal, Mónica Ribeiro, Sara Fernandes, Manuela Pintado, Carla Oliveira*

*Autor correspondente para este trabalho

Resultado de pesquisarevisão de pares

2 Citações (Scopus)


This work aimed to study for the first time the effects of phenolic compounds from sugarcane syrup on Saccharomyces cerevisiae β-farnesene fermentation by removing them from this feedstock. Syrup purification was optimized through a central composite design using five types of activated charcoal: three contact times (1–24 h) and three adsorbent concentrations (10–150 g L−1). The optimal purification condition—charcoal pellets at 115 g L−1 and contact time of 12.5 h—led to 96.7% of phenolic compounds removal and 43.7% of syrup recovery. The effects of reducing phenolic content from approximately 7.0–0.3 mg L−1 in sugarcane syrup on yeast fermentation varied with the scale. An increase in biomolecule productivity was only observed in shake-flasks (11%) and in biomass productivity only in the 2 L bioreactor (12%). Thus, phenolic compounds from sugarcane syrup do not influence β-farnesene production at a large scale under the conditions tested.

Idioma originalEnglish
Número do artigo2300465
Número de páginas15
RevistaBiotechnology Journal
Número de emissão2
Estado da publicaçãoPublicado - 25 fev. 2024

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