Returns to schooling in the Portuguese economy: a reassessment

Maria Manuel Campos, Hugo Reis

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This paper provides an overview of the evolution of private returns to schooling in the Portuguese economy along the 1986-2013 period. We estimate the returns separately for men and women, at the mean and along the conditional wage distribution. Returns to schooling are found to be high, particularly for women, and to increase along the distribution. The magnitude of the returns increased throughout the 1986-2013 period, but particularly in the 1990s. We also provide estimates of the relative wage premium associated with specific levels of educational attainment and find that they are highest for tertiary education. In the first decades under analysis, relative wage premia associated with the 9th grade stand above those estimated for secondary education, whereas in the most recent period these differences are negligible.
Idioma originalEnglish
Páginas (de-até)215-242
Número de páginas28
RevistaPublic Sector Economics
Número de emissão2
Estado da publicaçãoPublicado - 5 jun. 2018

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