Social activities and mobile internet diffusion: a search for the holy grail?

Manuel José Damásio, Sara Henriques, Inês Teixeira-Botelho*, Patrícia Dias

*Autor correspondente para este trabalho

Resultado de pesquisarevisão de pares

9 Citações (Scopus)


Any technology adoption is shaped by a myriad of factors that sometimes conflict in their ultimate goals and outcomes. So is the case with mobile Internet (m-Internet) adoption and diffusion. This paper discusses this process from the stakeholders’ and users’ perspectives and confronts their understanding and attitudes towards this technology with three complementary theoretical models: network theory, activity theory, and the technology acceptance model (TAM).The study presents results for the use of m-Internet in a southern European country and frames those in light of the activities, here understood as effects of the network, undertaken by the users. We seek to assess whether individuals perform a different set of activities when using m-Internet and how different forms of access result in different network effects, adoption processes, and distinct forms of interaction. The depicted study involved a qualitative stage, consisting of a set of interviews to stakeholders of the mobile communications industry and a quantitative study that involved the survey of a nationally representative sample of individual users. The findings of these studies provide several contributions to the understanding of m-Internet adoption and diffusion and the role network effects play in them.
Idioma originalEnglish
Páginas (de-até)335-355
Número de páginas21
RevistaMobile Media and Communication
Número de emissão3
Estado da publicaçãoPublicado - 1 set. 2013
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