Survival of probiotic bacteria in a whey cheese vector submitted to environmental conditions prevailing in the gastrointestinal tract

A. R. Madureira, C. I. Pereira, K. Truszkowska, A. M. Gomes, M. E. Pintado, F. X. Malcata*

*Autor correspondente para este trabalho

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Various foods may be used to deliver probiotic bacteria into the gastrointestinal tract; one such example is Requeijão, a Portuguese whey cheese. Survival and stability of Bifidobacterium animalis strains BLC-1, Bb-12, and Bo, Lactobacillus acidophilus strains LAC-1 and Ki, L. paracasei ssp. paracasei strain LCS-1 and L. brevis strain LMG 6906 inoculated into Requeijão, when exposed to simulated gastrointestinal tract conditions, were assessed. Homogenates of inoculated whey cheese in 0.85% (w/v) sterile saline water were exposed to a solution of hydrochloric acid (pH 2.5-3.0) and pepsin (1000 units mL-1) at 37°C, and then to 0.3% (w/v) bile salts after 60 or 120 min of acid exposure. All bacterial strains retained their initial viable cell numbers. Bifidobacterium animalis strains Bb-12 and Bo, and L. brevis strain LMG 6906 exhibited the highest viable cell numbers when exposed to bile salts, whereas the other strains had variable death rates.
Idioma originalEnglish
Páginas (de-até)921-927
Número de páginas7
RevistaInternational Dairy Journal
Número de emissão6-9
Estado da publicaçãoPublicado - 1 jun. 2005

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