Teologia em diálogo com a literatura: origem e tarefa poética da teologia

Resultado de pesquisarevisão de pares


Literature has always offered raw material for theological reflection, from the Greco-Latin classics to the present, passing through centuries of literary production. However, this reflection has not reached the maturity of a method that offers a fluid relationship between literary art and theological work. Professor Alex Villas Boas's attempt in this work is precisely to articulate a perspective to dynamically interpret the relationship between artistic-literary representation and the theological horizon outlined in it. An attempt that undoubtedly means a consistent contribution to the long-awaited maturity of this method that hopes to establish a solid relationship between the vital literary experience and the no less vital experience of Christian revelation. ROSSANO ZAS FRIZ DE COL, sj, (Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome)
Título traduzido da contribuiçãoTheology in dialogue with literature: origin and poetic task of theology
Idioma originalPortuguese
EditoraPaulus Editora
Número de páginas480
ISBN (eletrónico)9788534945530
ISBN (impresso)9788534944502
Estado da publicaçãoPublicado - 2016

Série de publicação

NomeColeção Teologia em Saída

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