The age of translation: early 20th-century concepts and debates

Maria Lin Moniz*, Alexandra Lopes

*Autor correspondente para este trabalho

Resultado de pesquisarevisão de pares


The collection of essays by eleven TS researchers focuses on translation in the first half of the 20th century, a period of political and social turmoil in Europe. The collection concentrates mainly, though not exclusively, on the Iberian Peninsula, addressing relevant questions, such as censorship and dictatorial regimes, power, war, the role of women in society. It seeks to shed new light on the concepts, debates and practices of the time, as well as to showcase both translatedness in its many guises (translation, adaptation, pseudotranslation) and its conspicuous absences. The contributors discuss, in different ways and using various methodologies, the omnipresence of translation in "the age of the extremes".
Idioma originalEnglish
EditoraPeter Lang AG
Número de páginas253
ISBN (eletrónico)9783631716595
ISBN (impresso)9783631716571
Estado da publicaçãoPublicado - 24 mar. 2017

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