The chromatic hybridism in cinema: the conjugation of color and black and white to delimitate spaces and idalize new worlds

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31 Transferências (Pure)


Starting from an analysis of the symbolism attributed to black and white in symbiosis with color, we seek in this task to reflect on the way in which cinema seeks to obtain aesthetic, conceptual and even narrative dividends by combining in the same cinematographic piece the use color and black and white. Chromatic hybridism in cinema, let's call it that, definitively presents itself as an important film resource that enhances signifiers and, in the same way, creates or differentiates environments, time spaces and narratives.
Idioma originalEnglish
Título da publicação do anfitriãoCUICIID 2019
Subtítulo da publicação do anfitrião"a stunning compilation of investigations papers!"
EditoraVivat Academia
Número de páginas3
ISBN (eletrónico)9788409170449
Estado da publicaçãoPublicado - 2019
EventoCUICIID 2019 - Madrid
Duração: 23 out. 201924 out. 2019


ConferênciaCUICIID 2019

Impressão digital

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