Transgressing authority: authors, translators & other masqueraders

Resultado de pesquisarevisão de pares


The huge success of Walter Scott in Portugal in the first half of the 19th century was partially achieved by sacrificing the ironic take on authorship his Waverley Novels entailed. This article examines translations of his works within the context of 19th century Portugal with a focus on the translation(s) of Waverley. The briefest perusal of the Portuguese texts reveals plentiful instances of new textual authority, which naturally compose a sometimes very different author(ship) -- an authorship often mediated by French translations. Thus a complex web of authority emerges effectively, if deviously, (re)creating the polyphony of authorial voices and the displacement of the empirical author first staged by the source texts themselves.
Idioma originalEnglish
Título da publicação do anfitriãoAuthorial and Editorial Voices in Translation 1
Subtítulo da publicação do anfitriãoCollaborative Relationships between Authors, Translators, and Performers
EditoresHanne Jansen, Anna Wegener
Local da publicaçãoMontréal
EditoraÉditions Québécoises de l’œuvre
ISBN (eletrónico)978-2-9801702-6-3
Estado da publicaçãoPublicado - 2013

Série de publicação

NomeVita Traductiva

Impressão digital

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