Uncanny river (the crossing): João Biscainho, exhibition Galeria Fundação Amélia de Mello

Resultado de pesquisa


Uncanny River (The Crossing) (2014), by João Biscainho (1979, Portalegre), is a video installation which, for the purposes of the present exhibition, takes on the configuration of the space hosting it, namely the Amélia de Mello Foundation Gallery. In this relocation process, it simultaneously transfigures the space and is itself transfigured into a sculpture-installation.
Idioma originalEnglish
Estado da publicaçãoPublicado - 23 mai. 2019
EventoUncanny river (the crossing)
- Gallery Foundation Amélia de Mello, Lisboa
Duração: 23 mai. 20191 out. 2019

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