Understanding pragmatic paradoxes: when contradictions become paralyzing and what to do about it

Miguel Pina e Cunha, Arménio Rego, Marco Berti, Ace Volkmann Simpson*

*Autor correspondente para este trabalho

Resultado de pesquisarevisão de pares

8 Citações (Scopus)
21 Transferências (Pure)


Integration of paradoxes (i.e., interdependent yet contradictory tensions such as stability and change, learning and performing, or the individual and the collective) have recently been recognized as sources of synergy and competitive advantage. When adequately navigated, paradoxes may promote innovation, which favors generative complementarities. However, not all paradoxes have such generative effects. Pragmatic paradoxes (i.e., managerially imposed contradictory demands that must be disobeyed to be obeyed) tend to create paralyzing catch-22 situations. Like weeds to a flower, pragmatic paradoxes may also grow alongside the generative type. We explore the conditions in which pragmatic paradoxes become invasive in organizations, identify their main characteristics and symptoms, discuss their roots, and recommend potential approaches to their eradication.

Idioma originalEnglish
Páginas (de-até)453-462
Número de páginas10
RevistaBusiness Horizons
Número de emissão4
Estado da publicaçãoPublicado - 1 jul. 2023

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