Validação de um instrumento de avaliação dos fatores promotores da motivação para o trabalho: um estudo com profissionais de saúde oncológica portugueses

Diana Dias*, Ângela Leite, Ana Ramires, Paula Bicho

*Autor correspondente para este trabalho

Resultado de pesquisarevisão de pares


Concerning the provision of health services, especially in the oncological context, the study of motivation for work becomes relevant. Starting from the instrument of motivation for work developed by Paleologou, Kontodimopoulos, Stamoli, Aletras and Niakas (2006), this study intends to evaluate the psychometric quality of the Portuguese version, its factorial structure, reliability and validity, in a sample of health professionals from a Portuguese cancer hospital. An exploratory factor analysis, using principal components method, and a confirmatory factorial analysis, using the maximum likelihood method, were conducted. The results point to a model with three factors and 13 items, differently from the authors, whose structure is composed of four factors and 19 items. Considering the confirmatory nature of this research, we anticipate that it will be a stimulus for the development of new studies on motivation for work, in particular, of health professionals and especially in the oncological context.
Idioma originalPortuguese
Páginas (de-até)231-245
Número de páginas15
RevistaAnálise Psicológica
Número de emissão2
Estado da publicaçãoPublicado - 2017
Publicado externamenteSim


  • Health professionals in oncology hospital
  • Instrument validation
  • Motivation for work
  • Psychometric studies
